2. Cut fcklcd strip in bair
i. Rcfold and stąpić m the center
l. Accordlan fold a piece of lyptnft paper. wety 1/2 foch
Flaltcn out one of the loldcd hah cs and r otor Stripes in the oppostte dircctlon of lite Sold
r> Ceniły fon out and jotn the iwo skles wlth elear lapc.
1. Pollow $lvps osie and tv,o lor tłse Mcdallion
2. Ronnd ol'l! cors sers of foklcrl strip
3. Usc the tcmplatc below lo trące biut -ś body
1. Cist out tv,'0 Sbaptrs followln# tlić tcmplatc below. Cut on th<? doilcd lines
4. Out sili oi» <k>ti«l lisie
2. .Jotn (be two sirles at ri.ęht nngles. and wcavc the (Iw siiips, to sccurc the hcait
5. Insert loldod slnp Ihrough sili in birds body.
Fon out cach stdc auachuig the two sldcs wlth lapc al top to fonii witigs.
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