William Snakespeare (2564-1616) is The world‘s greatest play-wright. cnd wrote many ccmedies and tragedies. as well as poems.
Stonehenge is on oncient monument of hugc Stones in England buiit from 2800 to 1800 8.C., though it ;s not certcin who buiit it or why.
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The Tower of London was a harsh pr.son begun in 1078 and expanded througn the centuries. Today, it houses the Crown Jewels of Britain.
From the sixteenth through the First part of the twentieth centuries, the United Kingdom (consisting of Engfand, Scotland, Wales. and Northern Ireland) buiit a vast empire around the world, though most colonies are independent today. The U.K. was the first country to change from an agricultural economy to an industrial one. Though it is a monarchy, the king or gueen is only a figurehead and leaves the governing to the Parliament cnd prime minister.
Flag of the United Kingdom
CAPITAL: London AREA: 9*526 sguare miles POPULATION: 60,270,708 LANGUAGE: English
CURftENCY. British pound MAIN EXPORTS: manufactured goods, fueJs. Chemicals, food, bevercges, tobccco