


With the arm still in an abducted D niiddle of the paper backing of an ar?‘^ te. ineh Kinesio I stnp and apply 75-ioo^^Sat?^ tension.    00fa*ailJS

Apply one mechamcal correction słr-the suspected fracture or contusion siITP ward pressure.

Have the patient take in a fuli breath down the two ends of the Kinesio I    Uy

tension.    Pwthn0

With the arm still in an abducted poc-K middle of the paper backing of an app J*°n' M inch Kinesio I strip and apply 75-100 Jffptó

tension.    Va«lab|,

Apply one mechamcal correction strip the suspected fracture or contusion site KjSr.

ward pressure.    ffc§|

Have the patient take in a fuli breath ann down the two ends of the Kinesio I strip


euralgia is seen as severe sharp pałn along the course of the nerves located in the intercos-Inlercosta,^v ^jbit uself during cases of prolonged coughing.

Lj region- 11. * . Method will assist by reducing the edema and pain along the neural pathway. The [ The Kinesio ł? acjjust the specific tape application location due to patient symptoms.


Treatment for inflammation is provided by applying two Kinesio lymphatic corrective tech-niques. For review see lymphatic corrective tech-nique.

Have the patient move into shoulder abduction and lateral bending of the spine. Begin by placing the first lymphatic Kinesio fan base approximately 3-4 inches posterior and superior to the posterior superior iliac spine. Angle the fan tails at a 45 degrees in a slightly superior and anterior direction. Kinesio fan strip is applied with 5-10%, paper off, tension.

The second lymphatic fans base is approximately 3-4 inches posterior and 6-8 inches superior to the posterior superior iliac spine. Have the patient move into abduction of the shoulder, lateral ending of t the spine and trunk rota tion to the side opposite the inflammation. Angle the fan tails at a 45 degrees in a slightly inferior and anterior direction.

The fan strips should form a crisscross pattem.

Completed application of the Kinesio Taping Method for intercostal neuralgia.


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