220 2

220 2

p. 02

# APF-220

17. Pin thc skir t to thc bodicc with the bodicc on top. Tuli up thc gathcrs to fit and scw

18- Pin thc pctals to thc bodicc cdgc---trio thc pctals to fit---

thcn scw thca on thc waist linc by hand.

**c Hcm thc satin skirt aftcr thc sidcs acc scwod.

19. Scw thc snaps to thc bodicc back for closing'


1.    Cut two tulić vcils.

2.    Zig-zag hen thc top of thc vc i 1 .

3.    Pin thc two picccs together and scu a long stitch at thc place narked for gathering.

4.    String pcar1 boad* on virc--aaking two picccs.

5. Wlec thc two picccs tocother in tho back making a round rin:; crown that will fit thc dolls hcad--coning down on liOC focclicad in front.

6. Puli up thc voil gathcrs and tic cach cnd.

7. Scw thc vcil to thc back of thc pcarl crown. --Rufflcs should be in front

8.    Pin In place on thc dolls head with a straight pin.


l* Paint thc insidc of 3 whitc flowcrs (3 pctals) with ycllou acrylic paint or fclt pens.

2.    Paint thc insidc of 3 pink flowcrs with a darker pink paint or fclt pons--aaking dots likc an orchid.

3.    Tic scvcral loops of 1/8 in. whitc satin ribbon together.

4.    Usc soac sna11 dry flowcrs for acccnt.

5.    Hołd thc flowcrs and ribbon togo ther--wice around thc top and covcr with uhitc florist tapc. Tic thc flowcrs to thc dolls urist with 2 of thc ribbons.


1.    Faux pcarl ncckiacc and carrings.

2.    Whitc open toc shoes

3.    Lace nittens.


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