p. 02
# APF-83
6. gig zac insidc cdge and pin thc lining trio to thc outsidc cdgc of thc jackct.
7. Scw around the jackct cdgc--clip thc cocnors and thc ncck curvc.
8. Turn thc jackct lining insidc and top stitch along thc jackct cdgc to flnish thc jackct.
1. Cut thc hat top of straw (I uscd an old navy bluc hat).
2. Cut thc lining of natcrial iikc thc body blousc.
3. Pin thc hat top to thc lining and zig zag with a closc stitch around thc cdgc--outsidc and insidc. ( I rcpeatcd thc stitch to nakc a thickcr linc around thc cdgc.)
4. Closc thc back of thc hat with a zig zag stitch. The hat will then
curvc up to fit thc dolis hcad.
1. Cut a piccc of grograin ribbon(navy) kin widc and 5-j in. long. Hand sew to a snall buckie.
1. Cut 2 cardboard picccs sizc 2% x 3k inchcs.
2. Cut black paper 7 in. X in. for thc outsidc.
3. Cut black paper 5 in. X 3k in. for thc insidc.
A. Lay thc cardboard picccs on thc outsidc black papcr--gluc--lcaving a spacc bctwccn to fold.
5. Lay string tics on cardboard and gluc.
6. Punch a holo in thc outsidc paper for thc string tics to go through.
7. Miter thc corncrs of thc outsidc papcr--turn ovcr thc cardboard and gluc in place.
8. Finish by glucing thc insidc paper over thc cardboard and tic ends.