241 2

241 2

p. 02

# APF-241


1.    Mark thc darts.

2.    Scu thc tiny ric-rac alon® thc front and collar oT thc blousc front.

3.    Scw as closcly to thc odęć--ncarcst fthc cdęc of thc blousc.

Scw thc darta In thc Mouse front.

5.    Z i r.rac atitch around thc insidc cdęc of thc facin®.

6.    Pin thc facin® to thc blouac.

7.    Scw on top of thc scaa that thc ric rac was sewed or.--so thc ric-rac will be bctwccn thc scaa.

3. Clip thc curvcd od®c and points and trin---press.

9.    Scu thc back collar scan.

10.    Top stitch thc back cdęo open, of thc blousc--zi® aa® thc bottoa of thc blousc.

U. Scw snaps on thc front for closin*.

12. Scw buttons on top of thc snaps on thc front of thc blousc.


1.    Cut a strip of red vinyl 7 io. lon® and Ł in. wldc.

2.    !land scw thc belt to thc round ®old buckie.

3.    Scw it to thc front of thc blousc.


1.    Sunhat

2.    shoes

3.    Red carrines


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