p. 02
1. Cut thc pui*»c of shlny pU$tlc natcrul.
2. Scw a smali bcad on thc pursc and cut a smali holo In thc flap for closinc.
3. Cut 2 slits in thc back for thc dolls hand to fit through.
U. Saw thc sidc seans with a elose ztg «ag stitch.
l. Cut a garbage bag twister 3 lnchcs lone-
2- Cluc 3 lnchcs of k ln. grograln ribbon on one sidc.
3. Cut a piece of organza lk in. wldc X 8 in. long--fold it ln 1/3 folds And zig zag stitch down thc aiddlc.
Hark thc contcr —then fold up a bow on cach side--hat is H in on cach sidc.
5. Zig z ag stitch across thc center fold and covcr with a strip of naterial.
6. Tack organza hat to grograln ribbon and bend to thc shapc of thc
dolls hcad--sccurc to head with pins.
1. Cut 1 bodicc and a tulić llning, cut 1 collar on thc bias. cut 1 Skict.
2. Pin thc tuilc llning to thc bodicc
3. Scu around thc aroholes and thc back scao5--turn and press.
4. Mark thc darts--pin and scw--prcss--nay tria. Sew thc shouldcr seans.
5.Scu thc ends of thc collar togcther--cl1p tho foldcd corncrs--run
a gathering thread along thc front of thc collar.
6. Pin thc collar to thc bodicc ncck at thc center of thc ncck.--scw.
7. (land sew thc insidc of thc collar down--fold collar in half and tack thc ends down.
8. Pin thc sklrt darts--scw --pin thc plcats in thc skirt and pin thc skirt to thc waist of thc bodicc--$cw.
9. Scu thc skirt back scao--acw snaps to thc back for fasteninc.
Hca by hand.