p. 02
# APF-99
1. Zif. z a c stitch around thc crown and thc tulić linlnc*
2. Zlc zaę *titch hat and tulić lininr. cdeca.
J. $cu a cathcrlnc thrcad at thc top of thc hat acctlon.
A. Scw thc hat scction to thc croun--turn.
5. Pin thc brln scction toeothcr with intcrfaclnc --scw thc outcr c«lce.
6. Trln thc outcr odęć closc to thc cdęc--turn and prcas.
7. Hand scw thc hat to thc brla.
6. Occoratc thc hat with fcathcrs all ovcr thc crown.
Acccssorles arc lonf, blacX r.lovcs and carlnęa.