p. 02
# APF-221
1. Pin the cap togcthcr---sew around the edGes--lcaving the back opcn.
2. Clip the corners turn and sew the back by hand.
3. Top stitch close to the edge of the cap--press.
U. Tack the cap front to the back corncrs---fold the front cap back in
place. Put a straight pin on each side of the cap to hołd it on the dolls head.
1. Sew the back seans of the cape and lining.
Sew the shouldcr darts and press the cape and lining.
3. Pin the cape together and sew the edge---leave an opening in the back
to turn the cape. Clip the corners.
A. Turn the cape and sew the opening by hand.
5. Top stitch close to the edge of the cape.
6. Sew 1/8 in. ribbon 5 in. long to the ncck for closing.
1. Cut hosc of stretch materiał or old panty hose.
2. If the hose are rcal streatchy cut them smaller.
3. Fold the hose over and sew the seam twicc.
4 . Put one leg ovcr the other and sew the crotch seam.
5. Use 1/8 in elastic for the top.
6. Sew the elastic with a zig zag stitch strctching the top of the hose.
7. Powder the dolls legs and put the hosc on.