Applications of the EWMA
The Control Algorithm In this algorithm, Yt is the value of the quality measurement at time t, Zt is the EWMA forecast of the ąuality measurement for time t + 1, anc\At = a( + the observed forecast error at time t. Controller parameters to be estimated from prior data include ctz and csa, while
L defines the EWMA limits in multiples of az , and K defines the Shewhart limits on At in multiples of ct0 .
Step 1 - Calculate the forecast error:
At = (TrTarget) - ZM Step 2 - Update the EWMA forecast:
lf\At\ źK <ją , then Zt = Zt_ j Elsę Zt= X (Y{ - Target) + (1 - X )Z^.j
Explanation: Y( - Target is substituted for the Dt in Step 2 because it is the observed control error. Justification for this will be given following Step 4. If the forecast error is out of limits, interpret this as a signal of a special cause (Sf * 0) and not a regular process disturbance (Dt = Dt_j). In this case do not update the EWMA forecast. This prevents large adjustments from being madę which could move the process to the other side of target if St+ j = 0. Instead, emphasis is placed on finding and fixing the special cause.
Step 3 - Calculate the process adjustment:
If \Zt\ > L <7% , then x( = -Z/g Elsę xt = 0 Step 4 - Reset the EWMA forecast to zero if an adjustment is madę:
If xt* 0 , then Zt = 0
Explanation: This re-initialization of the EWMA forecast is based on Eąuations 2 and 3. The next adjustment after time t will be madę to compensate for the change in Z over a series of sample intervals where there is no change in X. If S = 0 during this time period, Eąuation 1 shows that the change in Z is unaffected by using ł^-Target instead of D(, because Yt - Dt is a constant.
Tuning Considerations: Because most of the parameters are obtained from an analysis of prior data as described above, L and K are the only tuning