Either pin the pieces together, right side to right side, and then sew the seam using back stitch,
When you join in very Aill slceves, you can work cither from che outside or msiiic. With fuli slecvc jcan», it is caslcr to sew them belorc v>ui sew the side senms .nul s!ceve senms.
On the Wrony Side of the Work
The morę popular merhod of joining uses back stitch on the wrony side of the work. Pin rhe pieces together, tight side to right .side. Tut the pins in place elose together m> rhat the pieces cant slip out of place. Distri-bute the addition.il width at the top of tuli, rounded slcoves over the shoulder region.
Put the parts down so chat the front and back are at the top and rhe sleeve i-, at the hottom. To make Miro chat the seam i> in linę with the stitches, always insert rhe necdlc directly next to che sehedge stitch oi rhe top or hottom.
On the Right Side of the Work
When you work thh way, it is easier to make surę you are staying in linę with rhe stitches than when you sew on the wrong side. First pin the pieces together, wrong side to wrong side, distiibuting the ailditloual width over rhe shoulder region. I hen sew the seam using ineisible stitch, a» deser ibed on the previou> pa ges. Work from I pin to the ncxt and don't removc the pins rtHupiickSy. At rhe shoulder, depending on the fullness, catch 2 or morę stitches at the same rimc. then a horizontid thread of the front or back.
...pin the pieces together, wrong side to wrong side, and sew the seam using invisib!e stitch.
At the gathered parts, always put scvoral stitches onto the sewing needle at the same time, and join them with 1 horizontal thread from the front or back.
Put the body of the sweater and the sleeve next to one another. Spread them out and mark the
center of the sleeve. Pin tho sleeve in place and then sew the 2 pieces together using invisible stitch.
Both seams look perfoct when seen from the outside.