Perfect Dctails

Pin the facing down around the neckline and then sew it on as describod on the previous pages.

This way. a neckline edge thal didn't como out vory neatly can be covered up.

Fot ncckbands. you can also sew on facings v\ i(l» open stitches. Iliis has scvcral ndvantages: First, thc casting-on edge is generally morę stretchable than .1 binding-oit edge. Sccond, you can distrihutc thc stitches evenly around rhe neckline.

Facings Worked the Long Way

You can also work vertical cardigun facings separately and then sew them on, using invisiblc stitch. This lias the advancagc that you can work the facings, jusr likc ribbing. on smaller nceJIes. to prcectu them from strctching in length. Also, you can check the exact locatioii tor the buttonholes on the tinished fronts.

Even as you arc working the tronts, make surę rhat you start the front edgea the same on bo tli sides—fot esample, wirh selwdge stitch. 2 stitches in stockincttc stitch. Then you can match the facing to thc partem. In thc examplc shown herc. you end or start the facing wtth 2 stitches in reeerse stockinettc stitch, plus 1 schedge stitch, starting in a row on thc wrong sidc of thc work. It looks cven better it‘ you work the facing along with the waistband, ro the end of the waistband, pot the facing stitches on a sritch holder. and first knlt the front. At the oułstdc edge ot rhe front and thc insidc edge of the facing, you tłum have to cast on an addidonal $dvcdge stitch in each in-stance so that the pattorn is complcte again ufter the facing is sewn on.

For a facing worked thc long way. you should work the same number of rows as for thc front. When vou sew tlłe facing on, row to row, thc facing has to be stretched a little, but it will ncvcr get longer rhan the other part?.. Evcn for sianted edge*. you generał lv don’t havc to work nny addidonal rows.

Work both facings to a length thar lets them teach the center of thc back neckline. However, don'r bind

Add a facing that was knit lengthwise by sewing it to the front, using invisible stitch.

the stirches oft. First sew both facings on as far iw thc shoulder. Then you can check the remaining length and add or undo a few row>, if nccessuty. Then join rhe facing stitches in a grafring stitch (sec starting on pages 114lt.).



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