Perfect DctaiLs
You tan work łtorizonral huttonholes dilfcrcnt ways. The usual wny i» jo bind the stitches olTin a row on the right sidc ot rhe work and cast thetn back on in the nexl row on the wrony sidc of rhe work. The disnd-wintage uf this is tlial the buttonluile usually gees vcrv wide. because of the stitchcs bclng passed ovcr.
On a łaciny in 1 X 1 ribbing. work this huttonhołe over un odd nurnber oi stitches, starting and ending with n knit .stitch.
On a fauny in 2 X 2 ribbing. the huttonhołe should kr worked over an even mnnbcr of stitches. Ir it i> 2 srirchcs wide, it i1- worked ovcr 2 knir stitches; it It ts 4 stitches wide. it is worked over l purl stitch, 2 knit stitches. and 1 purl stitch.
I his tneans thnt rhe l.wt binding-off stitch ts always passed over a purl srirch, and the huttonhołe łits pcriectly into tho ribbing pattern. However. ii" the huttonhołe is suppuscd to k* Z stitches wide. you should try co work a rotind huttonhołe over 2 purl stitches. sutce this type ot huttonhołe t> even less conspicuous.
A horizontal huttonhołe comes out tighter...
...tlyou don't knit the stitches kTorc binding them off, hut rather stmply pass them over: Put 2 stitches from the left needłe onto the nght necdlc. slipping the purl stitches and the knir stitches knitwise. Nam pass the first stitch over the second stitch. Then slip I stitch onto the right needłe agtiin, etc., tmtil the huttonhołe is I stitch less wide rhnn you want it. Tul the łasi stitch back onto the leli needłe.
IFor a “normal" buttonholo in 1 x 1 ribbing, bind ofl lightly 3 <or 5) stitches in a row on the right
side of the work,...
The finished buttonhole worked over 3 stitches.
first bind off 4 stitches without knitting them. Just pass the stitches ovcr. Put the last stitch back onto the left needłe.
2 ...and cast them on again vory tightly in the next row on the wrong side of the work.
The finished buttonhole worked over 2 stitches (top) and over 4 stitches lbottom) in 2 x 2 ribbing.
2Now cast on 5 new stitches as tightly as possible. Then knit the last buttonhole stitch together with the next knit stitch.