Crocheted button 11 k >j>s arc guick .ind easy. Thcy eon bc used on |X)k» sweater plac ker* and shouldcr facings.
On polo swc-.iters, worlc ilu; -lit in the center of the middle. In the row in whieh rhc sides are JividcJ, 1 selvcdye stitch lor ihc but-ron loop edge. and 2 to i Mitches tor the undcmeath part. Since the loops are crocheted between the *olvcdge stitch and the lirst stiteh, you -hould worlc a *eani sekedge in srockinette stitch (page 26).
In order to lx‘ able to distribute the i<x>ps cvcnly, lirst couni the row.s ot' the 'hi edge. For example: li you want to distribute ) lixips ovcr 30 snrches and assume 5 rows per hx>p. thls leaves 2 rows for the rop edge, 5 rows between loops, and 3 rows for rhc bot tom edge. Viewcd Iront the bottom edge, this ts \ rows witliout a loop; then, 2 rimes: i rows with a loop. 5 witliout, then another 5 willi, and 2 witliout.
Now work 1 row ot slip stitches between the sclvedge stitch and the first stitch, using a tiochel hook ap-pmxtmately the same si:c as the knitting nccdlcs u>cd (or a litlle smaller; sec drawingon page 105). Abovc that, work another row. troili nght to leń again, with slip stitches and cliain 'titchcs. I.eave a luny enough yam end at rhe beginning of the lirst row. This way you can u»e ii to worlc tlie 'econd row and dońt have to sew the end in.
The slip stitches of the second row are now crocheted onh in the top part of the lirst row of slip stitches. The nnmber of slip stitches and cliain stitches i> determined by tlić arringemenr and the si:c ot the buttons.
1 Insert the crochet hook
between the selvedge stitch and the first stitch, and crochet a row of slip stitches from right to left. Then start from right to left again, and work alternately 4 slip stitches and 5 chain stitches.
3 The finished facing worked in the same color. If necessary, reinforce the edge of the under-neath part with a row of single crochets.
2 To reinforce the button loops.
you can crochet around them with half a piece of yarn and single crochets; just work slip stitches over the slip stitches.