LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: Intermediate **
MATERIALS: DMC Cebelia #10, Articl© 167 (50 gm. 282 yds ©ach bali): 1 bali of white makes s©veral. Ste«l crochot hook si2© 9 U.S. or size needed to obtain gauge. Three plastic drinking cups: approx 3V< In. high. 1'/«in. in dłameter across bottom, and 33/* In. In diameter across top. Heavy cardboard. Wax papor. Plastic wrap. Rustproof pins. Fabric stitlener. Paintbrush. Three V» in. white beads or marbles for clappers. Tapestry noodlo. Cabochons for cmbell-ishing Bells: Six (7 x 14 mm) yellow leaves; six (7x 15 mm) green lozenges; six (7 x 15 mm) red lozongos; 24 (4 mm) red circtes. Hot glu© gun and glue sticks or craft glue.
MEASUREMENTS: Each Bell = 4'A in. x 4 in. in diameter.
GAUGE: First 3 rnds of ©ach Bell = 1Vj in, in diameter.
STITCHES USED: Chain st (ch). Slip st (sf st). Single crochet (sc). Half double crochet (hdc). Double crochet (dc). Trebl© crochet (tr). Double treble crochet (dtr).
NOTĘ: Always start with ch 2 mstead oł first hdc, ch 3 instead of first dc or ch 4 mstead of first tr of md. Er>d with 1 sl st in first sc. second (hdc). third (dc) or fourlh (tr) ch at beg of md.
DIRECTIONS: Bell A: Starting at top. ch 6 and close into a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. Rnd 1: (Dc. ch 1) 12 tlmes in ring (12 ch-1 spaces). Rnd 2: (Hdc. ch 2) in each dc around (12 ch-2 spaces). Rnd 3: • Hdc In hdc, 2 hdc in next space •. rep from • to • around (36 hdc). Rnd 4: • (3 tr, ch 9. sl st in 8th ch from hook forming a ring, ch 1. 3 tr) in hdc. skip next 5 hdc •. rop from • to • around (6 rings madę). Rnd 5: With sl st get to contor of first ring. (3 tr, ch 2. 3 tr. ch 1) in each ring around (6 shells mada). Rnd 6: With sl st get to first ch-2 space, ch 1. • sc in ch-2 space, ch 1. (3 tr. ch 2, 3 tr) in next ch-1 space. ch 1 •. rep from • to • around (6 shells madę). Rnd 7: • (3 tr. ch 9. sl st in 8th ch from hook forming a ring. ch 1, 3 tr) in sc, ch 1. sc in noxt ch-2 space, ch 1 •. rep from • to • around (6 rings madę). Rnd 8: With sl st get to center of first ring, (3 tr. ch 2, 3 tr. ch 5) in each ring around (6 shells madę). Rnd 9: With sl st get to first ch-2 space, ch 1, • sc »n ch-2 space, ch 3, (3 tr. ch 2. 3 tr) in center ch of next ch-5 loop, ch 3 •, rep from • to • around (6 shells madę). Rnd 10: • (3 tr, ch 2. 3 tr) in sc. ch 3. skip next ch-3 loop. sc in next ch-2 spaco, ch 3, skip next ch-3 loop •. rep from • to • around (6 shells
madÄ™). Fasten off.
Hanglng Loop: With rlght side fac-ing. join thread on one side of center ring at top of Bell. ch 12. sl st in oppo-site side of center ring. tum, ch 1. work 16 sc in ch-12 loop. sl st «n bas© of first ch. sl st on opposite side of center ring. Fasten off.
Clappor: Ch 1 + 3 (first dc). Rnd 1: 7 dc in 4th ch from hook (8 dc). Rnd 2: 2 dc in each dc around (16 dc). Rnds 3-4: Dc in each dc around. Fasten off. leav-ing a long sewing length. Insert bead or
November 2000