Work ;i ncckband in ribbing to lwice rhe lengrh you want ihe finał neckband to be, then tum it in to the instde halfway and sew it down I<x)scly. A sewn-down ncckband is cspccially good tor chiidren'*- sweatere im which the rclatńcly 'mail neckline has to hc very stretchable. It also look.s gcKxl on heneier swcaters.
A ncckband worked in stockinctte stitch blcnd> figlu in with the swcatet Herc, a row of purl srirches wa$ worked a> the tuming edge; depending on ihc pnrrem. you can also usc a ptox edge In order tor the nccklinc to lic Hat againsr the neck rather rhan standing up, decrcitses and incre.iscs arc worked nr the shouldet Every iHlier row before the tuming edge, wurk a double ile-creaseon both sides ot the shoulder stitch (page 35). Ań er the tuming edge, incrc&c I stitch knit twisted out of the horćontal threads on hoth sides of the shoulder stitch for everv other row.
A rołlcd-cdgc ncckband, which Iook> vcry casunl, is easy ro knir. If you want a w ider nccklinc. you can start with stockinette srirch right after you pśck up tlvc ncckband stitches. The neckline gees a Httie tighter if you work V in ribbing first, and then work in stockinerte srirch for about IW". Bind the stitches off looscly.
For a turtleneck collar that fits snugly, pick up the stitches as for a single ncckband, then work tn ribbing for about 8". Bind the >tttchc> off lo<»sely.
If you want the collar to be a iittle looser, you havc to work 10-15 double inereases when the collar is about IW” to 2” long (page 39). Or continue working the collar in single 'haker kiutting (page 131).
Start picking up the neckband stitches about I V to the nght of the ccnrer of the front. After picking up rhe last stitch, cast on rhe nccessary number of stitches for an additional 3 W" for the undemearh part of the collar. Then work back and forth with shortened n>ws (page 1-14). After the sccond row, work 1 stitch less at rhe end of each row rwice. then 2 stitches less, until the neckband rcaches the desired length. Then work one morę row all the way to the edge. bind off all the stirches, and sew rhe underneath part on.