If the ribbing indudes a lew stripcs in a contrasting color, a sweater worked in only one tolor other (han the addi-rional color in rhc ribbing has a much ftcsher look. Casting on in kitchener nh isdescrihed starting on page 22.
If you want to work a jacquard border into the band, because of the yarn catried on the hack of the work, you eicher havc to work a double hem (page 58) tvr start with a verv narrow ribbing (In lite photo, it was started by casting on in kitchener rib).
A border worked in stockinette stuch is nor stretchable lt i> there forc good for wnist-lcngth swcaten or long swcatcrs with a side 'lit. Work with ncedles one siae smaller dian the basie pattem requires to che end of the border.
Horę the 2-color rowu arc worked using the )acquard techniąue (starnng on page 142). Tire 'clvedge stitches always have to be worked with horh yarns.
Afrer the casting-on row. in the next row, on the wrong side of the wotk, altcrnately knit l.purl 1, tlicn conrinue in 2 colors In the rows on the right side of the work. work the knit stitches with the tirst color. the purl stitches with the second color. and vicc versn in rhc rows on the wrong side of the work. Make surę rhnr the yam not being tised is car-ried at the hack of the work in the rows on the right side of the work, .md at the front of the work in the rows on the wrong side of the work. At the end, continue ribbing in just the tirst color for another 2 rows. then continue in rhe desired pattem.