Perfect Details
Double Facings
FunJamcntally, double tacings, Mich a.% at the front edges ot'a cardigan, give a piece morę hołd. Thcy also ltxłk good ftom both sides and dont tend to fold ovcr to the insidc *»r outside.
Fick up the facing stitches as knit snrche.s as for single facings. Now work m ribhing pattern or in stockinette stitch 10 the desired length, then work a row of purl stitches on the right side of the work and continuc in the pat tern. In order to bc ablc to sew the facing down onto
the edge al which ihe stitches were picked up. you necd 1 row morę for the back half of the tac mg.
When ii'ing rhe rihNng partom, the facing is a Uttlc ilatter if you work rhe patiem offset by i srirch in the sccond half.
Five rows stockinette stitch, 1 purl row. and 6 rows stockinette stitch were worked for this facing.
Turn the facing in to the inside and pin it down carefully so that the stitches are exactly on top of one
another. As you are sewing, always catch 1 stitch of the knitting and 1 .• a selvedge stitch.
The finished facing looks good from both sides.
When you work a double facing in ribbing pattern, shift the pattern over 1 stitch for the second half...
...and sew it down the same way as for the facing in stockinctlo stitch.
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