For this collar, the front facing o worked along with the body ot thc cardigan, starting front thc waist-band. Ib do this, work 11 stitches in 1 X 1 ribbiny, starting with a cham sekedge stitch and 1 knit stitch.
Starr widctling thc rihhing for thc shawl collar 10“ to 12" helów the shcmlclcr. I do this. work thc facing stirches, knit thc ncxt stirch, and increose 1 stitch purl twtstcd front rhc horizontal thread ncxt to chat stitch = 13 stitches in the rihhing pattcrn. Continuc to work thcse łn-crcascs every sixrh row, widening thc rihhing hy 2 stitches cach titnc, until the collar is about 31 stirches wide. Thcn continuc without increasing up to thc shoulder.
After thc shouldor stitches liavc been bound off or pur on a stitch hołd er, continuc knitting jum the collar stitches, atlding 1 selvedge stitch at thc shouklcr edge in thc first row. This edge will be sewn into rh.c bele neckline latct
In order for lite shawl collar to have thc necessary fullncss, shortened rows tnust be worked over about thrce-quarters ot thc stirches (24 stitches in this instance) 5 to 6
times on everv stdc, after 4 rows cach
ntne. Thesc shortened rows can be worked with ram ovcrs or with stitches passed ovcr (pages 144-147). The shawl collar shown herc, and the slantcd slniulders. wcrc worked wtrh stitches passed over.
Work thc collar to thc center of thc hnck neckline. rhen pnt the stitches on n stitch holdcr. W;ork thc other half of the front in reverse.
At thc end, put thc knit and purl stitches of the two halves of thc collar onto 2 necdlcs for cach hall.
The fiiushćd cardigan with a shawl collar
and sew thc scam using grafting stitch (page 116). Then sew the siJc edge of the collar to the hnck neckline.
IFor the slantod edge, work 2 morę stitches in ribbing after every sixth row, increasing the sec ond stitch from the horizontal thread.
2 For the necessary collar full-ness, work shortened rows every fourth row. Slantod shoulders assure a better fit of the cardigan.