Perpendicular Pocket with Inside Pocket Knit On
For this pockct. pul about one-third ol thc Stitchcs ul the $łdc edge on a siirch holder, eitlier nght aftcr the rihbing or ut thc desircd point. Then continue working over the orhcr stitches umil che pockct hus rcacheJ the desircd length. Then cimrinue working ovcr thc sidc onc-third, casting on as many stitches as ncccs-sary for thc inside pockct, .md Work 10 rhc same length as rhc other pan,
Now continue working ovcr all thc sritches, knitting or purłing the .stitchcs additionully cast on for rhc inside pockct logether with the stitchcs of the outside pocket, as appropriate. The aJJitional stitchcs can nlso he hound off and sewn on later.
From rhc lengthwise edge of rhc outside pockct, pick up stitchcs and work nbout I'/«" in rihhing panem. Work a stockmetie sntch on cithcr >ide of rhc selvedgc stitch.
To linish, scw thc inside pockct and thc nam w edges of thc facings down.
If the pocket is worked not directly abovc the ribbing, but higher up, the inside pocket can be madę larger towards the botlom, as in the diagonal pocket. To do this, cast the stitches for the inside pocket on separately, work about 2" to 3Vi” in the pattern. and then join those stitches with the stitches of the side pan.
The brnie (Hjckct is worked in thc basie (nutem, or u can also be worked m stoddnette stiich.
To finish, knit on ilu- (Ktckei fachig.
B md off the stitchcs of thc inside (icickei. nr kiui them logether u uh the stitchcs of lite outside /wcJcer
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