IW to 2“ in the basie pattem.
Work about 8 ro 10 r<nv> in ril>l>in« nr in sccd snich. uver the dcsired width. whcn the piece h.is reachod the length wlwrc the pk<ket i' supp<»scd to go. In ribbing, make surę tltat the fadni! i> >ymm«rieal—for oxample, ir st.ms .md cncU with a knit stitch. If the patiem rcquircs an even number ni srirches. you can decrease a stitch withtu lite pocket facing. Then bind the facing srirches off. For a tightcr edge. you can alao pass the srirches over without knitting them (sec page 102) or bind tltent off hy knitting them togcther.
For the inside pocket, cast on the reipiired number of stitches phi' 2 schedge stitchcs, and work either in rhe basie pattem t>i In stockmette stitch or rcverse stnekinette stitch. Then work rhe last P/i" to 2" in the bttsic pattem. Beiofe insertiag the inside pocket into the K>dy of the piece, bind off the 2 seleedge sticches. Then conttnuc working over alł the stitches.
IBind off tightly the stitches of the pocket facing. Insert stitches of the inside pocket here later.
3 Pin the inside pocket down on the wrong side of the work and sew down first the bottom edge, then the side edges.
4 The finished pocket with a tight binding-off edge.
a slanted edge on the top part of the pocket for which you knit 2 stitches together every second row on both sides. Then insert the stitches into the piece.
...you can simply widen the pocket itself by several stitches below the facing. Just cast on about 5 or 6 stitches on both sides. Then work tho pocket until it reaches the facing, and bind the additional stitches off straight across. Or you can work