❖ THE PAMPHLET - a very thin book with a paper cover. contaiiiing Information about a particular subject

❖ THE LETTER - to convey a message from 1 party to another. It has a fundamental role in comnnmication. Creation of a kind of personal relationsliip with autlior and the reader - prepare the ground of tlie excliange of ideas. In tlie 18lh century a nnmber of philosophical forms were in the form of letters - e.g. Locke.

1790s - important time, early American novels appear at tliat time; 18, 19,h c was tlie time of emetgence of novel in America; but were secondary to British novels. Mist popular books were English books. Americans would be called writers - it was literaturę profession. Imiration of British works generated popularity. Plagiarism - literary practice. American writers incotporate American reality into English narrative forms. Second half of the 18* cenimy marks the emergence of novel in England - writers such as Defoe, Swift, Richardson - in English language. In a short time become dominant; public form; prominence of bourgeoisie, women constitute big majority. Sooner such emeigence appears in America but on tlie principle of eąuality.

Some of the noyelistlc aenres:

■    Epistolary novel - written or expressed in die form of letters; plays very important role in tlie development in Enlightenment; exchange of ideas.

- HECTOR ST. JOHN DE CREVECOEUR - Letters From An American Farmer - a French-American writer. His woik was an exceptional addition to the world of American literaturę and this was even morę obvious with the pnblishing of his epistolary book It is probably tlie l* work in liistory which articulates the idea of America as a metting pot -everyone is invited to come. America as a land of opportiuiities to Europę. He praises American egalitarian (based on. or holding the belief tliat everyone is equal and should have the same riglits and opportiuiities) values; lie comments on egalitarianism and opportunities. “Your fatherland is where your bread is” - we should not be constraint where we belong.

■    Sentimental novel - the most popular novel; presented tlie experiments of women - constituted popularity of reading audience.

■    Gothic novel

■    Picaresque novel (łotszykowska) - connected with literaturę tliat describes the adventures of a person who is sometimes dishonest but easy to like.

1820s an attempt to create real American works; wouldirt be too closely in literary forms.

- WASHINGTON 1RVING (1783-1859)

extremely profitable writer; primarily remembered tlianks to liis earlier books.

- The first US writer to gain an intemational reputation (1812). Spent a lot of time in Europę; wrote extensively about Europę; fond of Walter Scott even imitated his writing His interest in European countries complicated his status as American writer. In liis early


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