For This shape of V-ncck, bind the center 6 to 8 stitches off after the piece has reached the desired length. Horę, a single decrease was worked over the sccond and rhird sdtches, every fuurth row. On the right sidc, the last 2 stitches before the selvedge stitch arc knit together for the slanrcd edge.
For the ncckhand. first cast on a ncw sclvedge stitch and then begin pic king lip the ncckhand stitches on the left-slanted side. Cast on an additional selecdge stitch at rhc end of the row too. Make suro ihat at the end of rhc ncckhand. which will hc on top. there is a linę of knit stitches ncxt to the schedge stitches. As is the casc for cardigans, the nght ncckhand is on top of the left neck-band for womens swcatcrs, winie the left is on ti>p of rhe righr for mens swe® te n.
When you pick up the neckband stitches, cast on additional sei-vedgo stitches at the beginning and end of the row.
Sew the narrow edge of the top part of the neckband on using invi-sible stitch and the edge of the part that is underneath with slip stitches.
The finished neckline.
The same neckline with 1 x 1 ribbing.
For this neckline. the Jccrcases arc movcd 2 stitches into rhe knirted piece. To do this, on the nght >ide knit to within ? stitches front che center of the front, knit the next 1 stitches together. .md knit rhe last stitch; cast on a new >elvedge stUch ncxt to that. Then ftntsh rhe righr sidc of rhc front first.
For the slanted edge, evcry fourth row alwsiys work to within 4 stitches trom the end of the row. then knit 2 stitches together. On the left sidc of the front, cast on a new selvedge stirch. rhen work a single decrease over the next 2 stitches. Aftei the first row, work a single decrease oyoj
the third and fourth stitches for every fourth row.
The ncckhand is worked without a point in rows on the nght and wrong side ot the work. First cast on a ncw schedge stitch and rhen start picldng up rhc ncckhand sritches on the left sidc of the V potni, and at the end cast on another sclvedge sritch.
Make surę that 2 stitches ncxt to the schedge sritch are worked in stockinette stitch. at least at that end of rhe facing that will be on top.
The side edges of the top part of the facing are sewn on using invi-sible stitch; the part underneath is sewn on with slip stitches.