JASPER JOHNS (1930- ) a US artist, known for his paintings of flags (especially the US flag), numbers and largets, done nsing tliick paint textures. With Robert Rauschenberg he was partly responsible for the move away from abstract expressionism to pop art in the late 1950s.
■ Most appealing feelings of how a painter can be concemed with his own methods and how a work of art becomes a testimony of created art (not supposed to possess established meaning)
■ Developed method of painting - action painting
■ Used lingę canvasses put on the ground of wliich he walks, performed sort of gestures to spread a paint on a canvas; there were also trades of his shoes and hands - but shapes are not recognizable but make sense - not because of seen shapes but because of tliose shapeless forms which were harmonised
Gould write a poem in different circumstances. composed poems during social meetings - redefines poetic effort and status of the poet, all the pretentions about writing a poem are gone.
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