


Iław about a Lion Cake today?

Madę willi eoconul — toasted (his way.

For his taił use |x-ppemiint candy,

Plap on a marshmallow or ułwtever's handy!

1. TouTI t*m! « 9-tncfe *}iurr ‘*kt “«4e bom » mt« of Urotiu •■mj* CwJ Cu« • 5 « for koo’t body- RftMto-** W* ?■«« «iD fenn hr«] —a ob«c w

2. Amtijj#* puce* or. l/jy u

Frc*t cuAr iuffy $e« Po*m Froctto*.    U t-

<*wly for •furty* cfect Utcbtoof totrtcd Bilm Angrl FUbCoco-ouf for o tKick mav


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