Mak H'* • jnf* fc MtifM fc Hirb*
Um Presente da Mariza
IwBuhliiniał futin.|Kn miiiimr* O łtyKtrt i> yray* c apnafcr ui utn fcitai Wala
Cake |
Page |
Bakewaro |
Ems |
Sełf-ratPng łlour |
Piam/ali-purpose Dour |
Butlerfsoft margonne |
Castcr/ su perlice sugar |
Baking troć |
Wacłcy Races |
19 |
Two 15cm (6cn) round tinsand 10cm(4;n) round tn Evenły 50 eachtln |
5 |
3l5g (1002/ 27' cups) |
iSSg (502/ IV. cups) |
3i5g(lOo27 17 cups) |
3150(1002/ 17 cups) |
50 iMi-Ihour |
Yogt Be3r Powerpirff G*ls Ocxier's Lab Cow& Chicfcen WÅ‚oE Coyotc |
34 44 46 56 68 |
20cm (8<n) sguorc lin |
5 |
3i5g(10O2/ 2% Cuos) |
155g (502/ 1% cups) |
315g (10oz/ 17. cups) |
3150(1002/ 17. cups) |
1Vr-17 hours |
Bugs Bunny |
60 |
20crr. (&n) round lin |
5 |
3l5g(l0oz/ 27- cups) |
1550(502/ 17. Cups) |
315g (10oi/ 1V. cups) |
3150(1002/ 17. cups) |
17-17 hours |
Warwn The Martian |
76 |
Tvwi 11 (2 ort:) cr.«nproo? bowrfs. Dr/)dc the maturo ecuały bctwccn t nem |
5 |
3i5g(l0o2/ 27 cups) |
155g(S02/ 17. cups) |
3150(1002/ 17. cups) |
3l5g (IO02/ 17 cups) |
17r-17 hours |
Twcclys BÅ‚dhouse |
84 |
2Scm (10in) $quaretjn |
5 |
3150(1002/ 27 cups) |
I55g (502/ 1Y. cups) |
3lSg (10oz/ 17. cups) |
3l5g(10oz/ 17. cups) |
50rr»rv-1 hour |
Dafty Ojc< |
72 |
25cm (10n) foond Mi |
5 |
315o(10oz/ 27 cups) |
i55g (502/ IV. cups) |
3i5g(10o2/ 17 cups) |
3150(1002/ 17. cups) |
50 mih-1 hour |
Jchnny Bflavo |
52 |
Tw 15cm (6in) hcarp Shaped tins Dcnde the maturo ecualy bot.vecn them |
6 |
375g (12oz/ 3 cups) |
i85g (602/ 17 cups) |
375g (1202/ 17 cups) |
375g (1202/ t¥ cups) |
17-17/ hours |
TopCat |
39 |
Two I5cm (6*n) round tirts 0â„¢<te tho maturÄ™ eauatly omeen them |
6 |
375o (1202/ 3 cups) |
I85g (6oz/ 17 cups) |
375o (1202/ 17, cups) |
375o (1202/ IV; CUpS) |
17-17 hours |
Sytastarand Twoety |
80 |
I5cm (6*1) SGuare to. H(2 p<n?) oucnproot bowl and 220ml (78 02/1 cup) owpreo' bcwl. Pu", haf tho maturę rwo the square W> and the rcm»ning morture »nto the tup oovs<s |
6 |
3750 (1202/ 3 cups) |
185g (602/ 17 cups) |
3750 (1202/ 17 cups) |
375o(12oz/ 17 cups) |
For tin and targe Jw/W hours For smali bowt: 7 hour |
Tom and Jcrry |
29 |
1.51 (3 pnt) (Mtnproof bowtand 18cm(7m) rouodtm.Ruttwo-th rds of WX> maturo oto the 00/4 and the rest ol it into tho tin |
6 |
375g(l2o2/ 3 cups) |
185g (602/ 17 cups) |
375o(12oz/ 17 Cups) |
3750 (1202/ 17-cups) |
For bowt. 17, hours For tin 1 nour |
Tho FL-nSKines |
12 |
Two 20cm (8«t) round W*. D.vide the (naturę eoual y behween them |
6 |
375g (12oz/ 3 cups) |
185fl (6077 17 cups) |
3XSg (1202/ 17 cups) |
375g (1202/ 17, cups) |
1 hour |
Scooby-Doo Tasmanian Oev.i Looney Tuoes Tf& t\ |
24 64 87 |
25cm (10>n) $quaro tin |
6 |
375g (1202/ 3 cups) |
185o (602i 17 CUPS) |
3750 (1202/ 17 cups) |
375g (1202/ 17. cups) |
1 hour |