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Whito niignrpnitc comptotos the bottom oi the hcad as woli as lho durak aren.
Sandwich ihis to the cake using buttereream. Tnen model two smali teardrop shapes ar.d a flattenend bali. ano use these to create tne cheek and mouth area. Spread a layer of buttereream over the surface of the cake
Covcr Sylvcster's body wiłłr black and
form whiskers out oi whito sugarpaste.
Follow thc stcps shown herc to croalo Sylvestor's hands.
Uso a tlattcnerd circle and thrcc teardrop-shapcd proces to form thc basie foot.
5Colour 1.l7kg (2ib 5V.oz) of the sugarpaste black. Usmg 500g (1lb). roli it out and cover Sylvester (apart from his nose), smocthmg around the shape aod tnmm ng any excess from around the base. Usmg the tempiate (see p.94), ro-l out I25g (4oz) of the white modeiling pastÄ™ and cut out iwo large whiskers. Smooth around the edge of each and then stick these to his head.
5With t25g (4oz) of the white modeiling pastę, roli out and cut the remaining pieces for Sytves*er's whiskers (see p 94). Split another 22g (-7.0Z) of the white m half and model two oval-shaped eyes. For his muzzle. shape an o-.^i using I40g (4’/.oz) o? the white Roli ttvs fiat but thick and use it to ccver the wedge of cake. Smooth it and .ndem a linę using the side of a pamtbrush.
7 Split 2C0g (6 /.oz) of the white sugarpaste in half To make the har.d that will grasp Tweety. shape or.e piece into a flattened teardrop shape Make cuts to separate the thumb and fingers (see below. left). U&ng the end of a pa ntbrush. push in gentiy to make a smali curve between each fnger Pinch around the base of each. removing ndges and making them narrow at the base and fuli at the tip. Bend the hand in position and put aside Make the second band. Pinch a ragged edge at the wrist to resembte fur and hollow this area out stightiy so that the arm will slot in easity.
8 To make each of Syivester's feel. first model a flattened circle using 22g (’Aoz) of the white sugarpaste. For the toes. Split 90g (3oz) of the white sugarpaste into three pieces. one slightly larg er than the others. Model the larger piece into a long teardrop shape and stick this onto the flattened circle. smoothmg mto the surface to remcve the join. Make two morę leardrop shapes with the other pieces and position them either side of the larger one. smoothmg them in. Make another foot and stick both in place. Using a little white mcdellmg pastę make the pointed daws for his feet
9 To make Sylvester's back legs. spiit 280g (9oz) of the black sugarpaste in half Model long teardrop shapes and bend them halfway up. pmching them to shape the knees. At the narrow ery), pinch a ragged edge to resemble fur Press the top of each :eg a little flauer. and then stick them in place.
For his arms roli sausage shapes. usmg t25g (4oz) of the black sugarpaste for each. and bend them halfway up. Position them aga nst Sylve$ter and stick in place, smoothing the shoulder area up agamst his body. Make surę the arm that will hołd Tweety >s further forward. and then stick his hands in position. Next. shape Sylvesters pcmted hand ciaws.
nFor the taii. roli a long sausage of b'ack sugarpaste usmg 90g (3oz). slightly tapering one end. Stick the fuli end ontc Sy;vester's back. twisting it round and secunng it onto his leg. For the tip. model a teardrop using 22g (%oz) of white sugarpaste. Pinch it narrower at the jom and cut a ragged edge