Ktt*e<e ftn t yrtfo U mbjm U Kjó:» kra fmttr prtcipr i t* t»rt*r m nul ftn hUNUBfcmfck* -fuUaa. fm m enk m cwr*.
Oltft»<»<«|f^<>f>f<crna t«trt F{jt«I^M>i
Um Preserrte da Mariza
cuts along the top to separate the fmgers. Gentiy pinch to shape and rcund thern off. Pinch halfway up the arm to mark the etbow and then stick it m position. Make the opposite arm in the same way. but rever$e the thumb cut and stick it in place. Ieaving rcom for the telephone recewer
Form Top Cat's hond and rest It on the pillow. Then nutko fur pioccs betoro modelllng the waistcoat.
The top ot the raooiver should be positioned level with Top Cnt’s aycs.
Follow thls step-by-stcp guide to make Top Citfs two legs.
Co*our45g (17.-OZ) of the modeiimg pastÄ™ purpie. Usmg I5g (7.-oz). thinly roli out and cut two waistcoat pieces usmg the tempiate (see p.94). Position and add three smali. Ilattened circles for buttons down the centro.
Roli I25g (4oz) of the yellow modeiimg pastÄ™ into a bali fot his head and stick it in place so that it rests on the piKow. Cut off the top of his head to create a fiat area for the hat to sit on Fcr the fur either side of his face. model two smali and two slightly larger teardrop shapes. Press each fiat and cut away the fuli ends at an angle so each wiil sit neatiy against cppcsite sides of his head Moisten them with sugar giue and stick each into position To remove the joins. smooth into the surface of the head using a little sugar glue on ycur finger. then rub gentiy with icmg (confectioner's) sugar. Gentiy stroke each tip so that it curfs upwards.
Usmg I5g ('/.oz) of the white modelling pastÄ™, shape the muzzle (see p.94> and stick it onto his face leavtng room for his eyes. Then model a bali and stick it onto the muzzle. smoothing into the surface either side to remove the jom. Mark down the centre usmg a knife and indent whiskers using the tip of a cocktail stick (toothpick). indent dimples either side to create h<s cheeky snuie and model two oval-shaped eyes.
Using iSg (7.oz) of the purpfe model ing pastÄ™, model a flattened circle to make the hat nm. Colour 45g (17.oz) of the modeiimg pasie black and shape a thicker flattened circle using 15g (7.oz) to make the hat band Shape the remaming purple modelling pastÄ™ mto a flattened circle and pmch up a top ridge. smoothing a smali indentation in the top. Stick th>s onto the band, then stok the compieted hat onto his head
Flatten a tmy piece of black modeiimg pastę and shape his mouth area and make hs nose and two pupifs. Stmk inese all in place. Model two smar., pointed ears usmg a pea-slzed amount of yellow for each and stick in position on the hat rim. slightly teanmg forward To make the telephone receiver. rcłl I5g {'/oz) of the black modeiimg pastę mto a sausage shape. rourdmg off both ends Rend each end around and stick mto Top Cafs hand.
To make his legs. spfit 60g (2oz) of the yellow modelling pastÄ™ m haif Roli one half mto a sausage shape. rounding off one end. Bend this end round for the foot and pinch .t gentiy to shape the heel Press either side to shape the foot and make three cuts alorg the top to create tces Pmch halfway up the leg to shape the knee and pinch in at the back to bend a littfe. then stick m place. Make the second leg. crossmg it over the other leg.
For his taił. rosi I5g (7oz) of the yellow modeiimg pastę into a sausage. slightly thicker at one end. and stick it m p ace. curimg up at the end Use the remainmg yellow to make the banana skin. Model 4 mto a sausage