CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 1

CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 1




ThinÅ‚y roiÅ‚ out a pea-$ized amouni of white modelling pastÄ™ and cut out her eyes using the end of the piping tubÄ™ Colour a smali bali of modellmg pastÄ™ blue. Ustng half. model Dee Dees two inses.

Cotour I5g (’Ao2) of the modellmg pastÄ™ black. Thinly roli out a pea-s>zed amouni and cut out her smile using the tempiate (see p 93). Stick this m place aicng with a tmy pmk tongue. Model two ears and a pomted nose usmg flesh coloured pasto

Colour the remammg modellmg pastÄ™ orange using red and yellow food colouring pastÄ™. Model the bottie with a little flattened bali for the W. Colour a pea-szed amount of the modellmg pastÄ™ deep blue for the test tubÄ™.


To make Dexter's shoes. Split just under 7g f/«oz) of the black modellmg pastÄ™ in half. Model a teardrop shape first. cut a V in the centre and pmch around the heel to make it angular Make the second shoe and stick them both together.

To make his tumc. roli a fat sausage of white modellmg pastÄ™ usmg I5g ('koz). Cut the top. sScmg at a shght upward angie Indent the front by pressmg in with the back of a kmfe and then stick this onto the shoes. making surÄ™ that the tun*c is well balanced. Using white tnmmmgs. stick on two liny s!eeves. Colour a pea-sized amount of the modellmg pasie mauve and use this for his gioved hands. To make them. follow the method used for Dee Dee's hands. but make surÄ™ his fingers are much shorter.

Um Presente da Mariza

OMWi ftn • frap k imftt i) M*b«.

Sm Ä…/Å›nr Ä™mtdÄ™* 1u tmdtr m tmtl pan lwi    'ywimi. ft w t««ia !â–  m»<i

0 «*frt k (rap* Hfmkrmm ułn Ftcm Wartn

Dcc Oce in buitt up agoinst tho compułor in a running poso.

Usmg 50g (1’toz) of the flesh-coloured modellmg pastÄ™, model Dexter's head. Make U slightly narrower at the top and pinch it genily at the front to form the shape of his Chin Use the remammg orange modelling pastÄ™ for Dexter's haif. Shape a flattened batl that is th»cker at the front. Indent down each side of it by pressmg in with the end of a paimbrush. Stick this onto the top of his head with the fuller part at the front, smooth down the sides and then stick two liny hairs upnght at the back of his head

U For his mouth. stick on a tmy sausage of the !eft-over flesh modelling pastÄ™, bendmg it up at the corners Moisten the top with sugar giue. then smooth into the surface of his face to remove the join. For the sides of his mouth. stick on tiny flattened bails and smooth in as before.

Model a tiny pointed nose and two ears. To make Dexter‘s glasses. model two smali arms for them and then two flattened circles of black modelling pastÄ™ Cut one of these arctes m haif. Using the remaming blue. make his eyes in the same way Use black pastÄ™ agam to stick on two black pupils. an eyebrow that looks likc a smali lick and two tumc buttons Position Dexter on the cake board. lurnmg him slightly towards Dee Dee.

Position Dcxtcr in front of tho Computer, looking towards Oce Dcc.



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