12 webbig
Bottom Trim:
Hołd piece with righi side facing you and beg ch at top; fold piece fiat with joining to righi. Working through both thicknesses and with both strands held tog. join in first unused Ip of beg ch and in corre-sponding unused Ip on opposite side.
Row 1 (right side):
Ch 1, sc in samo Ips as joining; working through both thicknesses in corresponding unused Ips of beg ch. sc in ncxt 31 Ips—32 sc. Tum.
Row 2:
Sk first sc. sl SI in ncxt sc; * ch 8, sk next 4 sc, sl st in next sc; rep from * 5 limes moro—6ch-8 sps. Turn, lcaving rem sc unworked.
Row 3:
SI st in first ch-8 sp, ch 1, in same sp work (4 sc, ch 3. 4 sc); in cach rem ch-8 sp work (4 sc, ch 3,
4 sc). Turn.
Row 4:
Sl st in first 4 sc and in next ch-3 sp; in same sp work (ch 3. sl st) 3 limes; * ch 2, sl st in ncxt ch-3 sp, in same sp work (ch 3, sl st) 3 times; rep from * 4 times morę; sl st in last 4 sc.
Finish off and weave in ends.
With both strands hołd tog, and leaving a 12' end for sewing, ch 170; sl st in each ch.
Finish off leaving a 12" end.
Finishing Step 1:
Fold top trim down.
Step 2:
With tapestry needle and long ends, sew strap to opposite sides of purse on wrong side of Row 28 of body.
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