


Yourdifficulty is:

Crossing your thighs with hips kept straight.

Tight Muscles:

Muscles of the buttocks:

1    gluteus medius

2    ghiteus minimus

and, if severely shortened

3    tensor fasciae latae.


Wall, door-frame or the like.

Starting Position:

Stand straight at arm’s length from wali, with weight on right foot; righi hand on wali, arm horizontal and straight. Cross left leg in front of the right, left foot on floor; place left hand on left hip.


1.    Keep back straight; drop left hip and move right hip closer to wali so that stretch is felt on outer side of right hip.

2.    Tense muscles as if to uncross legs, bul don’t move fcct; hołd for 5 seconds.

3.    Relax and drop left hip; keep back straight; move right hip and left fo« as close to wali as possible.

4.    Repeat unlil you feel you can strctch no furtherand muscles feel tighL Hołd this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.


1.    Stand on left leg and cross right leg over as far as possible.

2.    Hołd position a lew seconds.

Common Errors:

*    Lower back arched and/or bent sideways.

*    Pclvis turned or tilled forward.

*    Right hip bent.

*    Left leg not moved far enough to the right.


1.    Pclvis and trunk should be a stable unit; move in hips only.

2.    Find most effective position by trying various slight forward/back-ward hip bends and slighl inward/outward leg turns, and use a position where stretch is felt the most.

Normal Mobility:

Lying on your back with hips straight, you should be ablc to cross your legs until uppcr leg rests on opposite thigh just above the knee.



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