MR293R19081 1
Ref itt ing:
Witb r_hc hood lowernd;
Start at the front, ensunng tbat. thn liliing 15 central-Bond Lt in place withaut fonr.irsg creasfts,
Tnmporarily fit th-e cr.nt.rc. angin pi.occ. to hołd the front cection in place.
Bono the Ijnirg te stretehe/fe and ser. urn the tnnsionrr st.ripp jn pT aeft {witb rivstsK
>!ovp the hood tramo forwards. Resccure the rear ends of the tensioner strips to the cnain stretcher (with Staples).
Tension and hond in place the rear part of the lining, ta the roli bar, and clip it in place.
Chpęk the Hning tension.
Rivet the linin-g to the main strotchor (side/rear).
Bond the linincj to the hood rear frame and resecure the velcro strrps.
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22086 MR293R19074 1 Free the two corresponding cloth sections At the front, remove the rivet froroMR293R19078 1 Ref ittirig: Central1*0 tHr padding on the hood. Refit tfto tuo side rivets <to tiMR293R19076 1 Refitting Jold the hood forward. Bond t^e rear screen tensioner section in place. RefMR293R190?0 1 Ref. Dimensictts in iftetrea A 2,545 B 4,155 C 1,375 i 5 D 1,418 £ 1,404 to56380 MR293R19051 1 (1) Hall joint ref. 77 00 753 309 (2) Nut ref. 77 01 422 012MR293R19070 1 T.owoę thc łiood and tilt the rear sfl-ot cushion forward. Remove the seaimg front Al last , . hc drew hor up " (pagc 2.j.) The AV.I Kat i Oiiuęhln.więcej podobnych podstron