Perfect Details

Double Hems Knitted Together

Cast rhc stitches unio two nccdles (or on a neccllc two sises larger), then work ó or 8 rows in stockinette stitch using the ribbing necdlcs, Staniny with a row of purl stitchcs on thc wrony sidc ot rhc work. After rhc 8 row>, work a row ot kmr sritehe'. on thc wrony sidc of thc work, and thcn anothcr 6 or 8 rows in .srockinctte stitch. I hen pick up thc stitchcs of rhc casriny-on iwv on a thin nccdlc, and knit 1 stitch froin thc nuin necdle and 1 stitch trom thccahle nccdlc together.

If you need an ixld number of rows for thc desired lenyth oi thc hem, work 7 or 9 rows of srockinette stitch, for cxnmplc, thcn I row of purl stitchcs on thc riyht sidc ot thc work, and then anothcr 7 or 9 rows of stockmelte stitch. Again, thc stitchcs atc knit together with rhc casunj»'On stitchcs In a row on thc right sidc oi thc work.

t/te stitchcs oj thc casting-an edge up anto a thin needle.

Naw always knit I stitch fnnn thc kniittng nccdlc and I stitch of thc casting-an row...

. .together and kecp utnlang this utiy to thc cud.

Ij thc han gets a linie fon lotne, you trem puli a wije ciasne ihrough u.

Picot Edge

For this Jccorativc edge, iastoad of working thc tuminy linę with purl stitchcs, w ork a row with yam ovcrs on thc trylu sidc ot thc work. For this, you need an cvcn number oi stitches and rnust work tln> row as follows: selvcdye stitch, *knit 2 stitchcs togctlwr, work I yarn ovcr, keep repcatiny front*, sohedge stitch. Aftcrw.uds. purl 1 row on thc wrony sidc ot thc work and rhen work thc same number of rows as beforc thc row of openwork. Then knit thc stitchcs together with thc pickcd-up stitchcs of thc casnng-on edge.

For a row of openwork. alternately knit 2 stitches together and work 1 yarn over. Pick up Ihe stitches of the costing-on row as for the double hem. and...

...knit them together with the stitches on the working needle. Or continue knitting and turn the hem after the piece is finished, and sew it down at the appropriate point.



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