Perfect DetaiLs
A double pickup .it the neckhne ts also good lor polo sweaters and cardigans, sincc it holds its shapc and k>oks goud from Knh sides.
Work thc double pickup with tlex or circular knltting needles. Since normal knitting needles are stilV, it would be dtfłicult to pick up the stitches lor thc sccond pickup with rhcm.
For 2x2 ribbing. rhe numher ot y.itches pwked up, induJmg thc scl-vcdgc scirches. must be divt$iblc by 4 The stitches are worked in such a way rhat on the outstde <4 the work 2 stitches in stockincttc stitch always be next to thc selvedge srirches. Of course you can also work rhe with I X 1 ribbing, hut then the numher ot stitches must be oJd and 1 stitch in stockinetre stitch has to be worked next to thc selvcdge stitches.
Pick up the stitches trom the slit edges a> for a single factng. To do rhis, tise a knitting necdlc 3 si:es larger than the needles bcing uscd lor rhe placket. Thcn work i rows in stockincttc stitch willi the placket needles. casring on an additiunal sclecdgc stitch in thc ftrst row at thc bortom edge.
On thc inside, pick up thc stitches from thc horizontal threads of thc stitches pickcJ up as knit stitches previouslv (= 1 stitch less). Since these stitches wcrc pickcd up with a larger needle betorc. the horizontal threads are casy to knit with thc placket needle. Here again, work 3 rows in stockincttc stitch.
Now continuc in the ribbing patiem. In rhe next row on the right stJe ot the work. always work 1 stitch front the front needle together with 1 stitch from the back needle: Ił they are knir stitches. insert the needle lirst into the front stitch; tl they are pttrł stitches, insert rhe necdlc lirst into thc back stitch (see photosof rhe merhod helów). So that rhe numher of stitches is cveneJ out, work I stitch of rhe front pickup by itself in the center of thc work.
Pick up sritches with a larger needle also Irom thc ncckline and hall' ot thc placket'. When picktng up rhe stitches from thc plackets, catch the entirc sehedge stitch each time. Iliis way hoth sides i>ł the pickup are coeered herc loo. Work the 2 skles of the tkniblc pickup as descrihed abovc.
IFor the double pickup, pick up the stitches from the outside with a larger needle, and pick up the stitches on the inside from the horizontal threads of the outside pickup, using the placket needle.
3 For the inereases, always work the second stitch of a rib only from the front needle, the first purl stitch only from the back needle.