The Knitters Bible 0

The Knitters Bible 0


Two Stitch Check


Multiple of -1 sls plus 2.

Row I K2. * p2. k2: rep Prom * to cnd. Row 2 1*2. * k2. p2; rep Prom * to end. Row 3 As row 2.

Row 4 As row I.

Repeat these 4 rows.

Four Stitch Check


Multiple oP 8 sts.

Rows 1,2,3 and 4 * K4. p4: rep Prom * to end.

Rows 5,6,7 and 8 * 1*4. k4: rep Prom * to end.

Repem these 8 rows.


Multiple oP 8 sls plus 5.

Row I (RS) Knit.

Row 2 ’ KS. p3: rep Prom * to last 5 sts. k5.

Row 3 P5. * k3. pS: rep Prom * to end. Row 4 As row 2.

Row S Knit.

Row 6 KI. p3. ki. * k4. p3. kl: rep Prom • to end.

Row 7 * 1*1. k3. p4: rep Prom * to last 5 sls. pl. k3. pl.

Row 8 As row 6.

Repeat these 8 rows.

8 strtch«





8 strtches


. ponRSrows.konWSrowj □ k on RS ro«. p oo WS ro«


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