CBR is much broader than environmental management and therefore covers the issue of sustainable development in a morę comprehensive way.

Tomasz Nitkiewicz: The role of environmentaI life cycle assessment in education for sustainable development. The objective of the paper is to identify the role of life cycle assessment as a tool of sustainable development implementation and as a potential element of sustainable development education. Author presents the place of LCA in sustainable development concept and LCA potential to become a tool of its implementation and monitoring in the field of environmental impact of human economic and industrial activities. The attempt has been madę to identify the rangę and directions of education where LCA could becom evital element of sustainable development eduction.

Tomasz Brzozowski: Alternatives for using the sustainable development reports of enterprises in education. Enterprises publish their sustainable development reports mainly to develop the image of the company and with a elear purpose to gain specific economic, social and environmental benefits. However, it is worth to draw attention to the fact that these reports represent also a value for education especially that one of the main target groups of these reports is the scientific community. These reports may find application for the education purposes mainly as a materiał to analyse the strategies and development goals adopted by companies, achieved economic, social and environmental effects, applied methods for measuring sustainable development and comparison with other companies.

Tomasz Bergier, Jakub Kronenberg, Karolina Maliszewska: Summer School „Challenges for Sustainable Development in Poland”- twelve years of experience. In the paper the experience from 12 editions of the summer school “Challenges of Sustainable Development in Poland” has been described. The institutions organizing the school have been presented, as well as its goals and priorities, and reeruitment process. The teaching methods have been presented, including two large practical projects “Sustainable Local Development” and “Sustainable Business” which are interesting applications of “leaming by doing” philosophy.

Michał Ptak: Education for sustainable development in the countries of the European Union. The study presents the up-to-date experiences of the EU Member States concerning the implementation of the UN initiative „Decade for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)”, as well as the “Strategy of Education for Sustainable Development” of the European Economic Commission. Attention has been paid to such issues as establishing relevant coordinating institutions which ensure collaboration among different entities, development of the national plans and other strategie documents as well as ensuring fmancial means to support education for sustainable development.

Czesław Wodzikowski: Education activities for sustainable deve!opment carried out by the Environmental Foundation of the Chojnice and Zaborze Districts. The article presents the goals and accomplished results of the project entitled „Integrated Programme of Environmental Education in the District of Chojnice” carried out by the Environmental Foundation of the Chojnice and Zaborze Districts. The key components of the programme include: environmental education, culture and health education, integration of local communities, promotion of educative qualities, building a civic society, implementation of the sustainable development strategy of the district as well as building partnerships between local authorities, economic entities and non-govemmental organisations in linę with the ssumptions of the EU programme Leader Plus.


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