Basic Techniques

Purl Decrease

ln reverse stockineitc stitch, you can work all thc decreases by purling 2 stitches together. However, if thc Je-creasc is supposed to bc symmctrical on the stockinettc sidc, purl 2 srirch-es togcther li »r .1 decrease .slantcd jo the right.

1 Insert tho right needlc into the front of the next 2 stitches, from right to left.

2 Draw the yarn through both stitches purlwise, and drop thoso stitches from the needle.

Purl Slip Decrease

Work a single dccrcasc slantcd to thc left on thc stoclcinerre sidc by p;issing I stitch ovcr thc othcr.

Carefully drop the first and sec-ond stitch off the left needle. Pick up the second stitch with the right needle and pick up the first stitch again with the left needle.

2Now purl tho first stitch {the stitch on the left needle) and then pass the second stitch ovor the first stitch ot the back of tho work.

Purl Twist Decrease

For a decrease thar will be slantcd ro thc left on thc stockinettc sidc, you can also purl 2 stitches logether twistcd. This cnuscs the stitch on thc right to twist, just as when knittine 2 stitches together twistcd.

1 Insert the right needle into the back of both stitches at the back of the work, from left to right.

2 Draw the yarn through the stitches purlwise, and drop both stitches from the left needle.



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