the yarn, and turn it counterclock-wiso to the left...
which will be the sełvedge stitch, tight with your right thumb.
Place the yarn around your lett hanJ a> usual and thon ovcr your ihuinb. The end of rhe yarn will hang over the thumb and has to bc about tbrec limes as long as the iniended width of rhe piece—as is the case for all other typcs of casting on.
Hołd the end oi the yarn tightly belween your middle tinger and your ring finger. Work rhe casting on and the ncxt 4 tows ustng needles one si:c smaller than the needles vou will usc for the tibbing.
stitch. that is. behind the needle.
3Bring the needle under the pan of yarn that is on your thumb, take hołd of the yarn with your forefinger. coming from above and going down, and draw it under the yarn on your thumb and to tho front.
5Bring the needle from back to front, under the yarn on your forefinger. Take the yarn on your thumb, coming from above and going down, and draw it under the yarn on your forefinger to the back.
"wrong" way and will be knit twist-ed in the first row on the right side.