Crochet and Knitted Bobbles

IFrom ihe horizontal thread beiweon 2 stitches, work 5 stitches. alternately ki, k1 twisted. Tum the work.

3 In the next row on the right side of tho work, k3 tog, k2 tog and pass the łirst bobble stitch over the second bobble stitch.

2 Work another 3 rows stockinette stitch, reverse stockinette stitch, or garter stitch over the 5 stitches.

In the next row on the wrong side of the work, purl the bobble stitch together with the stitch ahead of it.

Knit-in Bobbles

Bobbles c.m be knit dilTerent way*. Smali bobbles are knit over 3 stitches, latjje bobbles over 5 u> 7 stitches. T he number of rows also deponds on how big you want the bobbles to be- Ol coursc the slse of the bobble is also determined by the thickness and the consistcncy of the yam.

Bobbles are knit eilher over the horizontal thread betwecn 2 stitches, or out of a stitch. The way you work ts the simę eithor way.

hor bobble incrcases from a hori-zon tal rhread. or out oł a stitch. alternately knit 1 stitch and knit 1 stitch twisted (alternately insertinu the neeJle tnto the front and back l^irr of rhe stitch). Lcavc the stitch on the left ncedle until the desired number of stitches is renched. In-stead of knit twisted stitches, you can also work purl stitches. Or you can work a yam ovcr betwcen the knit stitches.

The >teps and photos show the inerease from the horizontal thread with the stitches worked tw isted.

stockinetto stitch (bottom loftł, or

stockinette stitch (bottom right).



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