Make the horizomal jiu! vctiumI stitch on the same cros*-»titch, wockitiR ihe vcnkal haltVtmch beforc cIk Iłonrontal one
Count the nuniber of Mjuaret as. you work. hm when you do a largc paltem, check firn to be turę ihe nunther ol 4411110 and the m« of the horizomal and Ycrtfcal wc*ve will pvc the drtired rcsultt. It n iho imporrant to puli thread* evenly.
Bnng the needie out al 1. pass the needte through trom 2 to 3,4 to 5. and 6 to 7 consocutively. then pass the neeole through at 8 to mąko a stilch
Uk (his ttitch lor an łmprcuive cfleet whm outlitiiiijt, »uch a» in eross-tmeh ind Atwu Work. nr emphaMZing pirtt of a dcMicn. Rrtt. work the runmng ttwch (pajsc 10) and return hack willi the »amc runmng sutch. pan mg tlić thread ovrr tlir bark o i the lirtt uildm. You ein draw Imes with thi* ttiteh: ilu* figuro* below show how to make łtratght and diagoiul hurt and liow 10 make ttairt
Bnng the nee<Se out at 1 and work the runmng sbteh. Bnng the needie up at 5. then tum the labnc to pass the neeeJe through trom 6 to 7
Bnng the neetfe out at 1 and work the stilch ver*ca*y *rst. then return back passmg the thread horaontały to shape stairs
stitch Double cross stitch