
nptc of dc2tog, dc3tog and TO and 14 (Bobble).

1sc into 2nd ch from ch. *4ch, work dc4tog ■fol:.vs: leaving last loop inok .*.ork idc into each of jl 1c*\ * dc into each of next Ipi through all 5 loops on ch * *. 1 ch. skip 1 ch. apirom * ending last rep : ;as> ch. turn.

Multiple of 9 sts + 1.

(add 2 for base Chain)

1st row: 2dc into 5th ch from hook. * ich, 2dc into next ch, skip 3ch, work (1dc, 2ch. 1 dcl into next ch * *, skip 3ch, 2dc into next ch; rep from * ending last rep at * * when 2ch remain. skip 1ch. 1dc into last ch, turn. 2nd row: 3ch (count as 1dc), skip first st. *work [2dc, 1ch, 2dc) into next 2ch sp, work (1 dc, 2ch, 1 dcl into next 1ch sp; rep from * ending 1dc into top of tch. turn.

Rep 2nd row.

xo of

as 1dc). 1dc into first next 4ch. 1ch. skip c* next 4ch. 3ch, skip ner 1ch sp; rep from *

, cx2tog into last sc. skip

^rstst. *1scintonext : leaving last loop #ofk 1dc into each of Ich and 1 sc). 1dc into and draw through all 1sc into next ch* \ irom * ending last rep r tch. turn.

^Bpgt 'T 35-7.

r    na*

1dc into from HH|p3cr. 1sc into next ch**, Kip crf 13cr 1sc into next chi 3 l,#u3 3tzr i 1 dc. 2ch. 1 dcl into HK * ending last rep at * MPir 3cr ‘ sc into next ch. 1ch,

•;fijjjfiTilUffrr cJ* ~jTi

■Prt as 1dc and 1ch), 1dc "Storn =;*.p * Picot and 3ch‘ \ Hfcpncr* *sc [3ch, 1scl3times. Kfjgipr and 1 Picot, (1 dc, 2ch, KatfRc::- 'ec <rom * ending last f/nortl I Isc 3cn 1 scl into top of ~ext ch, turn.

Lacy Wave Stitch

Multiple of 11 sts + 1.

(add 1 for base Chain)

1st row (right side): 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, *2ch, skip 2ch, 1dc into each of next 2ch, 2ch, skip 2ch, 1sc into each of next 5ch; rep from * to end, turn.

2nd row: 5ch (count as 1dc and 2ch), 1dc into first st, * (1 ch, skip 1 st. 1 dc into next stl lwice, 1 ch, 1 dc into next 2ch sp. skip 2dc ‘ *, 5dc into next 2ch sp, 2ch, 1dc into nexl st; rep from * ending last rep at * \ 4dc into last 2ch sp, 1dc into last sc, skip tch. turn. 3rd row: 5ch (count as Idc and 2ch), 1dc into first st, ‘ (1 ch, skip 1 st. 1 dc into next stl twice, 1ch, skip 1 st, 1dc into next ch, skip 11 dc. 1ch, 1dc, 1ch and 1 dcl, 5dc into next 2ch sp* *, 2ch, 1dc into next st; rep from * tending last rep at “ in tch, turn.

Rep 3rd row.

Alternative V Stitch


\T/;    \A7/§

Shell Filigree Stitch

Multiple of 5 sts -ł- 1.

(add 2 for base cham)

1st row (wrong side): 2dc into 3rd ch from hook, * 1 ch, skip 4ch, 5dc into next ch; rep from * workmg only 3dc at end of last rep, turn.

2nd row: 1 ch, 1sc into first st. "2ch, skip 2dc, work a Picot V st of (1 dc. 3ch, insert hook down through top of dc just madę and work a sl st to close, 1 dcl into next 1ch sp, 2ch, skip 2dc, 1sc into next dc; rep from * ending last rep in top of tch, turn.

3rd row: 3ch (count as 1dc), 2dc into first sc, *1ch, skip2ch, Picot V st and 2ch. work 5dc into next sc; rep from * finishing with only 3dc at end of last rep, skip tch, turn. Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.



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