+ 5. cham)

jside): 1sc into 2nd ch from 4ch. work a picot of [1sc, sxt ch; rep from * to last 5ch, 'sc into last ch, turn.

'sc into first st, *3ch, skip inlo next 3ch arch; rep from $*jp 3ch, 1 sc into last sc, turn. (zcunt as 1dc and 3ch), skip Pe>: picot arch, 3ch, Iscinto 3ch, skip 3ch; rep from ‘ rac last sc, skip tch, turn.

3rd rows.

tf fr



. .:[i : Double ■Mtam Setwork

l‘f| MltlfW


I + 1.


sde): 1 sc into 2nd ch from Mp 5ch, 1sc into next ch; rep


tsc mto first st, *5ch, skip 5ch, rep from * to end, skip tch,

1sc into first st, *7ch, skip sc; rep from * to end, skip

: mto first st, * 7ch, skip 7ch, Z rep from * to end, skip tch,

iocunt as 1 dc and 2ch), insert-Bi me 7ch arch madę in the Tsc thus binding the arches rowstogether, *5ch, 1sc jic' arches as before; rep from (1cc nto last sc, skip tch, turn.

sc nto first st, 2ch, skip 2ch, "5ch, skip 5ch, 1 sc into next ending 2ch, skip next 2ch of ch. turn. count as 1dc and 3ch), skip Text sc, ‘7ch, skip 5ch, 1sc ~om * ending 3ch, skip 2ch, skip tch, turn.

1sc nto first st, 3ch, skip 3ch,

1 sc into next sc, * 7ch, skip 7ch, 1 sc into next sc; rep from * ending 3ch, skip next 3ch of tch, 1sc into next ch, turn.

8th row: 1ch, 1sc into first st, *5ch, 1sc under next pair of arches together; rep from * ending last rep with 1sc into last sc, skip tch, turn.

Rep these 8 rows.

Zigzag Popcorn Network

Multiple of 10 sts + 1.

(add 5 for base cham)

Notę: For description of 5dc popcorn see page 14. Popcorns occur on both right and wrong side rows. Be surę to push them all out on the right side of the fabric as you com-plete them.

1st row (right side): 1sc into 9th ch from hook, 1sc into each of next 2ch, *3ch, skip 3ch, 5dc popcorn into next ch, 3ch. skip 3ch, 1sc into each of next 3ch; rep from * to last 4ch, 3ch, skip 3ch, 1dc into last ch. turn.

2nd row: 1 ch, 1 sc into first st, * 1 sc into next arch, 3ch, 5dc popcorn into 2nd of next 3sc. 3ch * *, 1 sc into next arch, 1 sc into next popcorn; rep from * ending last rep at * \ skip 2ch of tch arch. 1sc into each of next 2ch. turn.

3rd row: 6ch (count as 1 dc and 3ch), * 1 sc into next arch, 1sc into next popcorn, 1sc into next arch, 3ch **, 5dc popcorn mto 2nd of next 3sc, 3ch; rep from * ending last rep at * \ 1dc into last sc, skip tch, turn.

Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.




Boxed Shell Stitch

Multiple of 5 sts + 2.

(add 2 for base Chain)

1 st row (right side): Skip 3ch (count as 1 dc), 1dc into next ch, *3ch, skip 3ch, 1dc into each of next 2ch; rep from * to end, turn. 2nd row: 3ch (count as 1dc), skip first st. *5dc into 2nd ch of next 3ch arch; rep from * ending 1dc into top of tch, turn.

3rd row: 3ch (count as 1 dc), skip first st. 1 dc into next dc, *3ch, skip 3dc. 1dc into each of next 2dc; rep from * to end, turn.

Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.

Boxed Błock Stitch

Worked as Boxed Shell Stitch, except that on 2nd and every alternate row 5dc are worked under 3ch arch instead of into actual st, thus making a błock rather than a Shell.





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