\WT~WPf -wK.
:r 3 sts + 5. fil for base Chain)
wm rside): 1sc into 2nd ch from ' skip 3ch, 1sc into next ch; rep : 5rd. turn.
"Sch. 1sc into next 5ch arch; rep tc ' 5 2ch, 1 dc into last sc, skip tch,
wm icr (count as 1dc), 1dc into first n ’ d: nto next 5ch arch, *2ch, 4dc r*c ar ”. 2ch, 1 dc into next arch; rep |Hc end. turn.
mc ’5ch. 1sc into next 2ch sp; rep fwrdkr z 2ch, 1 dc into top of tch. turn.
■itfon. 1 sc into first st, *5ch, Iscinto rcr = :n rep from * to end, turn.
C*rd 4th and 5th rows.
- A AAA.
Base row (right side): 1 sc into 2nd ch from hook. *[5ch. skip 3ch, 1sc into next ch] twice, skip 3ch, work 5 Bullion sts into next ch, skip 3ch, 1sc into next ch; rep from * to last 4ch, 5ch, skip 3ch, 1sc into last ch, turn.
Commence Pattern
1st row: 5ch, 1sc into next 5ch arch, *5ch, 1sc into 2nd of next 5 Bullion sts, 5ch. 1sc into 4th Bullion st of same group, (5ch, 1sc into next arch] twice; rep from * ending 2ch, 1dc into last sc. skip tch, turn.
2nd row: 1ch, 1sc into first st. *5ch, Iscinto next arch; rep from * to end, turn.
3rd row: *5ch, 1 sc into next arch; rep from * ending 2ch, 1 dc into last sc, skip tch, turn. 4th row: 1ch, 1sc into first st, skip 2ch sp, *5 Bullion sts into next 5ch arch, 1sc into next arch, [5ch, 1sc into next arch] twice; rep from * ending 5ch, 1sc into tch arch, turn.
5th row: 5ch, 1sc into next 5ch arch, *[5ch, 1sc into next arch] twice, 5ch, 1sc into 2nd of next 5 Bullion sts, 5ch. 1sc into 4th Bullion st of same group; rep from * ending 2ch, 1dc into last sc, skip tch. turn.
6th row: As 2nd row.
7th row: As 3rd row.
8th row: 1ch, 1 sc into first st. *[5ch. Iscinto next 5ch archi twice, 5 Bullion sts into next arch, 1sc into next arch; rep from * ending 5ch, 1sc into tch arch. turn.
Rep these 8 rows.
f = Bullion st with [yo] 7 times.
Multiple of 12 sts + 1.
(add 2 for base chain)
1st row (right side): 2dc into 3rd ch from hook, *skip 2ch, 1sc into next ch, 5ch, skip 5ch, 1sc into next ch, skip 2ch, 5dc into next ch; rep from * ending last rep with only 3dc into last ch, turn.
2nd row: 1ch, 1 sc into first st, *5ch, Iscinto next 5ch arch, 5ch, 1sc into 3rd dc of next 5dc; rep from * ending last rep with 1sc into top of tch, turn.
3rd row: *5ch, 1sc into next 5ch arch, 5dc into next sc, 1sc into next arch; rep from * ending 2ch, 1dc into last sc, skip tch, turn.
4th row: 1ch, 1 sc into first st, *5ch, Iscinto 3rd dc of next 5dc, 5ch, 1sc into next 5ch arch; rep from * to end, turn.
5th row: 3ch (count as 1dc), 2dc into first st, *1sc into next arch, 5ch, 1sc into next arch, 5dc into next sc; rep from * ending last rep with only 3dc into last sc, skip tch, turn. Rep 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th rows.
Multiple of 6 sts + 2.
(add 3 for base chain)
Notę: For description of hdc3tog see page 10.
1st row (right side): 1sc into 5th ch from hook, *3ch, skip 2ch, 1sc into next ch; rep from * to end, turn.
2nd row: 3ch, 1 sc into next 3ch arch, *3ch. hdc3tog into next arch, 3cn, 1sc into next arch; rep from * to end, turn.
3rd row: ’3ch, 1sc into next 3ch arch; rep from * to end, turn.
4th row: *3ch, hdc3tog into next 3ch arch, 3ch, 1sc into next arch; rep from * ending 3ch, hdc3tog into tch arch, turn.
5th row: As 3ro row.
Rep 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th rows.