Patterns for Texture and Color

lnterweave Stitch

into next hdc, 1dc into next dc; rep from * ending last rep in top of tch. turn.

5th row: Ich, 1sc into first st. *1hdc into next hdc, 1dc into next sc. 1hdc into next hdc. 1sc into next dc; rep from * ending last rep in top of tch. turn.

Rep 2nd. 3rd, 4th and 5th rows.


4 ii.

T4H liT






T+TIT+p 5




Interlocking Shell Stitch

Multiple of 2 sts + 1.

(add 2 for base Chain)

Notę: For description of tr/rf see page 11. Work 1 row each in colors A, B and C throughout.

1 st row (nght side): Skip 3ch (count as 1 dc). 1dc into next and each ch to end, turn. 2nd row: 3ch (count as 1dc), skip first st. *1 tr/rf round next st. idc into next st; rep Fom * ending last rep in top of tch, turn. Rep 2nd row.






Interlocking Diamond Stitch

Multiple of 6 sts + 1.

(add 2 for base Chain)

Notę: For description of dc5tog see page 10 (Clusters).

A 4

B 2


3C 1 A

Multiple of 6 sts + 1. (add 1 for base Chain)

Work 1 row each in colors A and B alter-nately; fasten off each color at end of eacn row.

1st row (right side); Skip 2ch (count as 1dc; 2dc into next ch, skip 2ch. 1sc into next ch. 'skip 2ch. 5dc into next ch. skip 2ch. 1sc into next ch; rep from * to last 3ch, skip 2ch. 3dc into last ch, turn.

2nd royv: 1ch, 1 sc into first st. *2ch, dc5tog over next 5 sts, 2ch. 1 sc into next st; rep from * ending last rep in top of tch, turn.

3rd row: 3ch (count as 1dc). 2dc into first st. skip 2ch. 1 sc into next cluster, * skip 2cn. 5dc into next sc, skip 2ch. 1sc into next cluster; rep from * to last cluster, skip 2ch. 3dc into last sc. skip tch, turn.

Rep 2nd and 3rd rows.

Little Wave Stitch

Multiple of 4 sts + 1.

(add 1 for base Chain)

Work 2 rows each in colors A and B alter-nately.

1st row (right side): 1sc into 2nd ch from hook. *1hdc into next ch. 1dc into next ch. 1 hdc into next ch. 1 sc into next ch; rep from

*    to end, turn.

2nd row: 1 ch, 1sc into first st, *1hdc into next hdc, 1dc into next dc. 1hdc into next hdc. 1sc into next sc; rep from * to end. skip tch, turn.

3rd row: 3ch (count as 1dc). skip first st.

*    1 hdc into next hdc, 1 sc into next dc, 1 hdc into next hdc. 1dc into next sc; rep from * to end, skip tch. turn.

4th row: 3ch (count as 1dc). skip first st.

*    1 hdc into next hdc. 1 sc into next sc, 1 hdc

Work 1 st row in color A. then 2 rows each in colors B and A alternately throughout.

1st row (wrong side); SI st into 2nd ch from hook, *3ch, skip 2ch, 1dc into next ch, 3ch. skip 2cn, sl st into next ch: rep from * to end. turn.

2nd row: 4ch (count as 1dc and 1ch), 1dc into first sl st, *skip3ch, sl st into next dc'*. skip3ch. work(1dc, 1ch, 1dc, 1 ch. 1 dc] into next sl st; rep from * ending last rep at ‘ * in last dc. skip3ch, work Hdc, 1 ch, 1 dc] into last sl st. turn.

3rd row: 6ch (count as 1dc and 3ch), skip [first st, 1ch and 1 dc], *sl st into next sl st* *. 3ch. skip 1dc and 1ch. 1dc into next dc, 3cn. skip 1ch and 1dc; rep from * ending last rep at * * in last sl st. 3ch, skip 1 dc and 1 ch, 1 dc into next ch of tch, turn.

4th row: Sl st into first st, ‘skip 3ch, [1dc. 1ch, 1dc, 1ch, 1 dc] all into next sl st, skip 3ch. sl st into next dc; rep from * ending in 3rd ch of tch loop, turn.

5th row: *3ch, skip 1dc and 1ch, 1dc into next dc, 3ch. skip 1ch and 1dc. sl st into next sl st; rep from * to end, turn.

Rep 2nd, 3rd. 4th and 5th rows.

Zigzig Pip Stitch

Multiple of 4 sts + 1.

(add 1 for base Chain)

Notę: For description of dc2tog see pac-10 (Clusters).

Work 1 row each in colors A. B, C. D a^d E throughout.

1st row (right side): 1sc into 2nd ch frod hook, *1ch. skip 1 ch, 1sc into next ch; from * to end. turn.

44    o Chain m Slip stitch

Single crochet T Half double crochet ^ Double crochet ^ Treble $ Double tre:l


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