73309 tmta3
2. Pattern for Fig 1
This pattern is for a loose hood which will puli on without a front opening and can be worn as shown in Fig 1.
Draw a square with sides equal to half the Slip on measurement, or use 30 cm square. Plan the cape (gorget), short liripipe and face opening as shown. Here the cape is 30 cm deep at the shoulder, the liripipe about 20 cm long, and the extended face edge from 3-6 cm wide. Alternatively, the pattern can be scaled up and adjusted to the wearer.
Cut the hood in one piece with a fold along the top, or in two pieces.
3. Hood with front opening - pattern
This open hood is buttoned under the Chin, and side gores are used to widen the smali cape.
Plan the pattern from a square as for Fig 2, or scalę up the drawing and adjust it to the wearer. Insert the quarter circle gore at A. Cut the liripipe as a separate strip, make it into a tubę and stitch it to the point of the hood.
For buttons and buttonholes see Methods,
Figs 19-21.
'/2 Slip on measurement
20 cm

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