72706 tmta3
9. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 7
For this smali size the Back and Front are shown on cloth 150 cm wide, folded lengthways. Extra length is needed for the sleeves.
To plan the skirts and 75 cm

make the pattern see Gowns, p 139. Gown length here is 106 cm (ankle length); side seam length is 86 cm.
Hem width is 46 cm for Back and Front, giving a hem of 184 cm. For smali simple gowns such as this the Back may be cut in one on a fold, rather than in two pieces; use the round necked collar in Gowns, Fig 5.
Podobne podstrony:
27184 tmta4 150 cm Fold-^ 20. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 18 The patterns are shown on cloth 1570011 tmta3 9. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 7 The patterns are shown on 150 cm wide cloth foldedtmta0 26 150 cm SELYEDGES SELYEDGES 26. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 24 The Back and Front are s60527 tmta0 Woman s finer cote 6. Layout for Fig 5 The cote is planned on 3.3 m of cloth, 150 cm wipiraha0080 67.80 4 REQUIRED, (two for rfght sida arm, two for Ioft) MATERIAŁ = (mm M/S Plato NOTĘ: Atmta5 10 10 70 cm SELVEDGES 70 cm 20 cm10. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 8 The Back and Front, fotmta2 o o LU > C/ł 4 SELYEDGES 4. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 2 The patterns are shown on 1583222 tmta8 14 ISO cm ^—Fold-^ SELVEDGES 14. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 12 The Back and Front,tmta9 o LU > oo SELYEDGES 4. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 2 The patterns are shown on 150 cmtmta6 75cm SELYEDGES 11. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 9 Front - Rule a CF linę. Lay the Front botmta4 30 75 cm 30. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 28 The patterns are shown on 150 cm wide cloth,więcej podobnych podstron