Continuod trom pago 7 EAR (make 2)
Row 1: Wilh It. beige, ch 2. 2 sc in 2nd ch from liook, tura (2).
Row 2: Ch 2, hdc in same st, 2 hdc in next st, tura (4).
Row 3: Ch 2. hdc. in same st, hdc in each of next 2 sts, 2 hdc in last st. turn (6).
Row 4: Ch 2, hdc in same st, hdc in noxt 4 sts. hdc in next st changing to brown (sec Crochet Stitch Guido), do not turn.
Row 5: Ch 2, hdc in end of row 4. (sc in end of next row, 2 sc in end of next row. sc in ond of next row): (sc. hdc, sc) in opposite side of starting ch 2; ropeat between first (). hdc in end of row 4. Fasten off.
hołd bottom of ears slightly. sew to head on rnds 2-4.
FRONT LEG (make 2)
Rnd 1: With beige. ch 12. sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 2. hdc in each ch around, join with sl st in top of ch 2 (12).
Rnds 2-3: Ch 2, hdc in each sl around, join as beforo.
Rnd 4: Ch 2, hdc next 2 sts tog, hdc in next 4 sts. hdc noxt 2 sts tog. hdc in each of next 3 sts, join (10).
Rnd 5: Ch 2, hdc in oach sl around, join.
Rnd 6: Ch 1. sc in each st around changing to brown in last sl. join willi sl st in first sc.
Rnds 7-9: Ch 1. sc in each st around. join.
Rnd 10: Ch 1, sc in oach of firsl 2 sts, hdc in next st, 2 dc in each of next 4 sts, hdc in next sl, sc in oach of last 2 sts, join (14).
Rnd 11: Ch 1. sc in each of firsl 2 sts, hdc in next st, (dc ncxt 2 sts tog) 4 limes, hdc in next sl, sc in each of last 2 sts, join (10).
Rnd 12: Ch 1, (sc next 2 sts log) around. join (5). Fasten off. Sew open-ing closod.
Kight Shoulder
Row 1: Working on opposite side of starting ch, join It. beige with sl st in Hth st of rnd 1 on front leg. ch 2. hdc in same st. 2 hdc in next 6 sts; leaving 5 sts unworked, turn (14).
Row 2: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog. sc in next st. hdc in ncxt st, dc in next f> sts. hdc in noxt st. sc in next st, sc last 2 sts tog, turn (12).
Row 3: Ch 1. sc in first st, hdc in next st. dc in next 8 sts, hdc in next in last st. I,eaving 14" for sewing, fasten off.
Left Shoulder
Row 1: Working on opposite side of starting ch. join lt. beige in 6th st of rnd 1 on front leg. ch 2, hdc in same st. 2 hdc in next 6 sts; leaving 5 sts un-workod, turn (14).
Rows 2-3: Ropeat rows 2-3 of right shoulder.
NOTĘ: Arrange body pieces and tuck in place bofore sewing.
Stuff legs up to rnd 1 of shoulder. Sew shoulders to upper sides of body between rnds 4-9. slanting legs toward front of body. Sew rnds 1-6 of legs to body. leaving paws free.
BACK PAW (make 2)
Rnd 1: Wilh dk. brown. ch 10, sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 1, sc in each ch around, join (10).
Rnds 2-5: Ch 1. sc in each st around. join.
Rnd 6: Ch 1. sc in each of first 2 sts. hdc in next st. 2 dc in next 4 sts, hdc in next st. sc in each of last 2 sts, join (14).
Rnd 7: Ch 1, (sc next 2 sts tog) around, join (7).
Rnd 8: Ch 1, sc in first st, (sc next 2 sts tog) around, join (4). Leaving 6" for sewing, fasten off. Sew opening closed.
HIND LEG (make 2)
Row 1: Working on opposite side of starting ch on row 1 ofback paw, join lt. beige with sl st in 5th ch. ch 2, hdc in sumę ch. 2 hdc in each of next 4 ch. leaving last sl unworked: turn (10).
Row 2: Ch 2. hdc in samo st. 2 hdc in each st across. lurn (20).
Row 3: Ch 2, hdc in each st across, turn.
Conlmued on pago 13 ANNIE S PATIE HN ClUB/JUNEJULY. 1983 11