Conlinued from page 11
Row 4: Ch 2, (hdc 2 sts tog) 3 tinies. dc Sn next 7 sts. (hdc 2 sts tog) 3 timos, tum (14).
Row 5: Ch 2. (hdc 2 sts tog) 2 timos, dc in ncxt 5 sts, (hdc 2 sts tog) 2 times (10). Leaving 12" for sewing, fasten off.
Stuff paw and hind leg; sew in place Over rnds 12-18 of body.
Rnd 1: With dk. brown, ch 8, sl st in first ch to form ring. ch 1. sc in each ch around (8).
Rnds 2-8: Sc in each st around. NOTK: Place chenille stem Ihrough taił from first rnd, fold W over edge to hołd in place. You will he working around storn. Stuff taił. keeping stem in center as you work up to rnd 16.
Rnd 9: Sc next 2 sts tog. sc in next 6 sts (7).
Rnds 10*12: Sc in each st around.
Rnd 13: Sc next 2 sts tog. sc in next 5 sts (6).
Rnds 14-16: Sc in each st around.
Rnd 17: Sc ncxt 2 sts tog. sc in next 4 sts (5).
Rnds 18-20: Sc in each st around. At end of rnd 20. cut chenille stem off.
Rnd 21: Sc next 2 sts tog. sc in each of next 3 sts (4).
Rnd 22: Sc in each st around. Lenv-ing 6" for sewing. fasten off. Sew open-ing closud. Sew taił to rnds 15-18 be-tween hind legs.
Cut whiskers into six 4" pieces. Run j)iece through st above each eye and twist tog. Cut 1 end shorter than other. Repeat with 2 pieces on each sido of mouth. Shape whiskers. Tie rihbon in bow around neck.
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