EFT procedura

EFT procedura

EFT Procedurę

1.    Decide which "problem" you will work on.

2.    Put it into this statement:

"Even though I hawe "this problemI deeply and completely accept myself."

As an example, use:

"Even though I have "this crayina for chocolate" / deeply and completely accept myself."



as you tap each point

Ratę your intensity from 1 to 10 (10 is highest) on how much you crave it. Say your statement 3 times while tapping this "karate chop" point with your



Think of a reminder phrase "this craving" and say it on this picture about 7 times.




Take 2 deep breaths and ratę your intensity again from 1 to 10.

If your intensity has come down, change your statement slightly to say:

"Even though I still have "this craying for chocolate". I deeply and completely accept myself."

Then tap your points with the modified reminder statement:

"this remaining craving"

• •

9. Repeat steps 6-8 until the intensity is less than 2.


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