As you do each excrcise. you will feel which musclcs arc being uscd and strenglhcncd. Mcdical terms have not been uscd bccause it is not necessary for you to know the technical name of thc muscles to do the cxercises propcrly.
Gcncrally speaking, though one set of muscles will be emphasized in each cxcrcise. the entire body benefits. The listing here in the index catalogs the exercises according to main importance.
Arms: 9. 10. 12, 14. 18, 19, 20. 21. 24. 25. 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 43, 44. 46, 51, 52. 57, 62. 64. 65. 66, 76, 77, 89. 90. 91, 92, 98. 99. 100. 110, 119
Back: 19, 39. 44. 55, 56, 73, 80. 83. 90. 93, 97, 109, 124, 126 Buttocks: 22. 30. 122, 129, 133
Chest (Bad): 18. 32, 33. 41. 42. 44. 45. 72. 74. 75. 82. 84, 87. 89, 91, 96. 108. 121, 125 Hands (Wrists): 47. 48. 49
Le«s: 8, II, 13, 22, 26. 40. 53, 54, 58. 59. 60. 63. 70. 71, 79, 81, 94, 95, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 114, 115, 128, 131
Neck: 15, 16. 17. 31, 33, 38, 67. 68. 69. 105. 106 Shouldcrs: 44. 51, 52, 72, 73, 78. 79, 88. 105. 111, 112, 113
Stornach (Abdomen*): 7, 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. 23. 27, 29, 30. 33. 92, 100, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122. 123, 124, 127, 128, 129, 130
Stretcbing: 5. 6. 132
♦Ali cacrcises, if done properly. will strengthen thc stornach und abdominal musclcs. Thcse listed arc of special valuc.